Omar Makram

Från Wikiquote
Omar Makram i september 2019

Omar Makram, född den 23 september 1985 i Kairo, är en svensk-egyptisk skribent, poddare och debattör.

Mellan 2017 och 2021 var han projektledare vid GAPF – Glöm Aldrig Pela och Fadime.


  • When it comes to the idea of citizenship, how problematic is it that Sweden basically had placed zero value in the the citizenship of the country, of their nation? And they have give citizenships left and right to people who do not believe in Sweden. Who do not believe in the West, or [is] hostile to the West in many instances, who do not believe in liberal democracy or democracy for that matter, who do not belive in secularizm. What is the effect of that on your country and your culture and, by extention, long-term on your laws? People tend to have a very limited, something which surprises me, a very short term view of civilization and culture. They think in terms of two or three years. This is catastrophic if you're thinking about how to preserve your country and your culture and civilization. You have to think in terms of generations, and what kind of society you want and how all these changes will impact it in the future. For your children, grandchildren, and their children.
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Omar Makram