P.G. Wodehouse

Pelham Grenville Wodehouse, född 15 oktober 1881 i Guildford, Surrey, död 14 februari 1975 på Southampton Hospital, Long Island, New York, var en brittisk humorist och författare.
[redigera]- Ukridge hör till den där typen människor, som bjuder en ut på middag, lånar pengar av en för att betala notan och slutar kvällen med att inveckla en i slagsmål med en droskchaufför. Jag har varit på bal i Covent Garden tillsammans med Ukridge och funnit mig själv lubbande nerför Henrietta Street i den grå morgongryningen, förföljd av ursinniga grönsakshandlare.
— Kärlek i hönsgården, okänd översättare- Ukridge was the sort of man who asks you out to dinner, borrows the money from you to pay the bill, and winds up the evening by embroiling you in a fight with a cabman. I have gone to Covent Garden balls with Ukridge, and found myself legging it down Henrietta Street in the grey dawn, pursued by infuriated costermongers.
— Love Among the Chickens
- Ukridge was the sort of man who asks you out to dinner, borrows the money from you to pay the bill, and winds up the evening by embroiling you in a fight with a cabman. I have gone to Covent Garden balls with Ukridge, and found myself legging it down Henrietta Street in the grey dawn, pursued by infuriated costermongers.
[redigera]- Hon passade in i min största länstol precis som om tillverkaren hade vetat att länstolar det året skulle sitta åt om höfterna.
— "Jeeves och den objudne gästen" publicerad i Jeeves klarar skivan 1937, översättning av Vilgot Hammarling- She fitted into my biggest armchair as if it had been built round her by someone who knew they were wearing armchairs tight about the hips that season.
— "Jeeves and the Unbidden Guest" publicerad i My Man Jeeves 1919.
- She fitted into my biggest armchair as if it had been built round her by someone who knew they were wearing armchairs tight about the hips that season.
[redigera]- Hans uttryck var oförtydbart den mans som väntar att få bevittna ett uppträde mellan kvinnor, och en slätare figur spelar endast en våt katt på en främmande bakgård.
— Piccadilly-Jim, översättning av Hanny Flygare- He wore the unmistakable look of a man about to be present at a row between women, and only a wet cat in a strange backyard bears itself with less jauntiness than a man faced by such a prospect.
— Piccadilly Jim
- He wore the unmistakable look of a man about to be present at a row between women, and only a wet cat in a strange backyard bears itself with less jauntiness than a man faced by such a prospect.
[redigera]- Golf, min käre gosse, är det osvikliga provet. Den man som kan gå ut i en tät ruff i vetskap om att endast Gud ser honom och ändå spela sin boll där den ligger är en man som sköter sitt kall trofast och väl.
— "Golfprovet" publicerad i Alla tiders Wodehouse 1950, översättning av Birgitta Hammar.- Golf, my dear fellow, is the infallible test. The man who can go into a patch of rough alone, with the knowledge that only God is watching him, and play his ball where it lies, is the man who will serve you faithfully and well.
— "Ordeal by Golf" publicerad i The Clicking of Cuthbert 1922.
- Golf, my dear fellow, is the infallible test. The man who can go into a patch of rough alone, with the knowledge that only God is watching him, and play his ball where it lies, is the man who will serve you faithfully and well.
[redigera]- [Faster Agatha], vilkens sätt nu slående påminde om sättet hos en person som har plockat tusenskönor mellan järnvägsspåren och just fått kvällsexpressen i solar plexus.
— Den oefterhärmlige Jeeves, översättning av Birgitta Hammar- [Aunt Agatha's] demeanour was now rather like that of one who, picking daisies on the railway, has just caught the down express in the small of the back.
— The Inimitable Jeeves
- [Aunt Agatha's] demeanour was now rather like that of one who, picking daisies on the railway, has just caught the down express in the small of the back.
[redigera]- I olikhet med torskhannen, som då den upptäcker sig vara far till tremillionerfemhundratusen små välskapta torskbarn sorglöst beslutar sig för att älska dem alla, har den brittiska aristokratin en benägenhet att se snett på sina yngre söner.
— "Samling kring pumpan" publicerad i Alla tiders Wodehouse 1950, översättning av Birgitta Hammar.- Unlike the male codfish, which, suddenly finding itself the parent of three million five hundred thousand little codfish, cheerfully resolves to love them all, the British aristocracy is apt to look with a somewhat jaundiced eye on its younger sons.
— "The Custody of the Pumpkin" publicerad i Blandings Castle and Elsewhere 1935.
- Unlike the male codfish, which, suddenly finding itself the parent of three million five hundred thousand little codfish, cheerfully resolves to love them all, the British aristocracy is apt to look with a somewhat jaundiced eye on its younger sons.
[redigera]- Och för det andra var The Right Hon. en klotrund liten man som såg ut som om Naturen hade hällt honom i hans kläder och glömt att säga 'Stopp!'
— "Jeeves och Yttersta domen" publicerad i Den oumbärlige Jeeves 1957, översättning av Birgitta Hammar.- The Right Hon. was a tubby little chap who looked as if he had been poured into his clothes and had forgotten to say `When!
— "Jeeves and the Impending Doom" publicerad i Very Good, Jeeves 1930.
- The Right Hon. was a tubby little chap who looked as if he had been poured into his clothes and had forgotten to say `When!
[redigera]- England var täckt av de förvittrade kvarlevorna av pastorsadjunkter, som biskopinnan hade tittat på genom sin lornjett. Hur ofta hade han inte sett dem skrumpna likt saltade sniglar vid det biskopliga frukostbordet.
— Får jag föreställa mr Mulliner?, översättning av Birgitta Hammar- England was littered with the shrivelled remains of curates at whom the lady bishopess had looked through her lorgnette. He had seen them wilt like salted slugs at the episcopal breakfast table.
— Meet Mr Mulliner
- England was littered with the shrivelled remains of curates at whom the lady bishopess had looked through her lorgnette. He had seen them wilt like salted slugs at the episcopal breakfast table.
[redigera]- Fram till tjugofem års ålder hade han bara en enda gång gripits av någonting liknande en verkligt mäktig känsla – det var den gången då han mitt på Bond Street och mitt i högsäsongen upptäckte att hans betjänt, Meadowes, hade begått det oförlåtliga misstaget att skicka ut honom med omaka damasker.
— "Archibald på friarstråt" publicerad i Mr Mulliner har ordet 1946, översättning av Birgitta Hammar.- Up to the age of twenty-five [he] had only once been moved by anything in the nature of a really strong emotion – on the occasion when, in the heart of Bond Street and at the height of the London season, he discovered that his man, Meadowes, had carelessly sent him out with odd spats on.
— "The Reverent Wooing of Archibald" publicerad i Mr Mulliner Speaking 1929.
- Up to the age of twenty-five [he] had only once been moved by anything in the nature of a really strong emotion – on the occasion when, in the heart of Bond Street and at the height of the London season, he discovered that his man, Meadowes, had carelessly sent him out with odd spats on.
[redigera]- När naturen blandade till denne hedersgosse, lade den i en aning mer underkäke än som strängt taget var nödvändigt och gjorde hans ögon en tanke för skarpa och genomträngande för en person, som varken är imperiebyggare eller trafikkonstapel.
— All right, Jeeves!, översättning av Birgitta Hammar- Nature, when planning this sterling fellow, shoved in a lot more lower jaw than was absolutely necessary and made the eyes a bit too keen and piercing for one who was neither an Empire builder nor a traffic policeman.
— Right Ho, Jeeves
- Nature, when planning this sterling fellow, shoved in a lot more lower jaw than was absolutely necessary and made the eyes a bit too keen and piercing for one who was neither an Empire builder nor a traffic policeman.
[redigera]- En ung man satt på terrassen utanför Hotell Magnifique i Cannes. I hans ögon hade smugit sig ett uttryck av skygghet och vaksamhet, den på samma gång illistiga och skuldmedvetna blick som tillkännager att en engelsman ämnar yttra något på franska.
— Nära ögat, översättning av Birgitta Hammar.- Into the face of the young man who sat on the terrace of the Hotel Magnifique at Cannes there had crept a look of furtive shame, the shifty, hangdog look which announces that an Englishman is about to talk French.
— The Luck of the Bodkins
- Into the face of the young man who sat on the terrace of the Hotel Magnifique at Cannes there had crept a look of furtive shame, the shifty, hangdog look which announces that an Englishman is about to talk French.
[redigera]- Han såg ut som en helgeflundra som just har tillfrågats av en annan helgeflundra om han kan låna honom två pund till på onsdag.
— "Ett ord i rättan tid" publicerad i Sängfösare 1960, översättning av Birgitta Hammar.- He looked like a halibut which has just been asked by another halibut to lend it a couple of quid till next Wednesday.
— "The Word in Season" publicerad i A Few Quick Ones 1959.
- He looked like a halibut which has just been asked by another halibut to lend it a couple of quid till next Wednesday.
[redigera]- Redan i mitten av Kap. 1 upptäckte han att författeri är långt knepigare än en ytlig iakttagare anar. Dante hade kunnat tala om för honom – och ävenså Juvenalis – att hoptotandet av en bok ingalunda är gjort på en kafferast. Blod, skulle de ha sagt, krävs av den man som sätter pennan till pappret, ävensom svett och tårar.
— Cocktaildags, översättning av Birgitta Hammar.- As early as the middle of Chapter One he had discovered that there is a lot more to this writing business than the casual observer would suppose. Dante could have told him, and so could Juvenal, that it does not come easy. Blood, they would have said, is demanded of the man who sets pen to paper, also sweat and tears.
— Cocktail Time
- As early as the middle of Chapter One he had discovered that there is a lot more to this writing business than the casual observer would suppose. Dante could have told him, and so could Juvenal, that it does not come easy. Blood, they would have said, is demanded of the man who sets pen to paper, also sweat and tears.